Quiz: Are you cut out to be a leader? Getting real about the single most important trait


Quiz: Are you cut out to be a leader? Getting real about the single most important trait View Moira Alexander’s article as it’s published on Source link

Quiz: Are you cut out to be a leader? Getting real about the single most important trait2020-10-06T20:40:00+00:00

7 tips to transform difficult stakeholders into project partners


  Business projects almost always create change, which can also bring about significant disruption, stress and fear. That anxiety can translate into difficult project stakeholders – not to mention at-risk projects and unmet goals. Knowing how to turn these problematic partners into committed collaborators is essential skill all project managers [...]

7 tips to transform difficult stakeholders into project partners2020-01-13T00:10:15+00:00

Improve business outcomes by aligning project management and CRM


It comes as no surprise to hear that CRM is a primary factor in managing projects, but just how should these areas interrelate to achieve optimal client satisfaction?In most companies, individual departments or teams believe they hold the key to understanding customer needs more than other areas of the business. [...]

Improve business outcomes by aligning project management and CRM2020-01-13T00:14:27+00:00

5 tips on identifying the right project stakeholders


Stakeholders play a vital role in the outcome of projects. Here's guidance on selecting the ideal stakeholders for your specific project. There may be many different stakeholders throughout the life of a project. Typically, stakeholders fall into one of three categories: View Moira Alexander’s article as it’s published on Source [...]

5 tips on identifying the right project stakeholders2020-01-13T21:23:17+00:00

8 steps to breaking bad news to difficult project stakeholders


There is no easy way to deliver bad news to anyone, especially difficult project stakeholders. These pointers will help cushion the blow. Once the root cause and any breakdowns along the way have been identified, work with your team to determine possible ways to resolve any issues that can be [...]

8 steps to breaking bad news to difficult project stakeholders2020-01-13T21:23:33+00:00

4 tips for gaining trust from project stakeholders


It's normal for new stakeholders to question a project manager's abilities. Here are four strategies to help build their confidence and improve relationships. If you are a project manager that has had a few failed projects, this history may follow you and may cause you constant discomfort. Stakeholders may have [...]

4 tips for gaining trust from project stakeholders2020-01-13T21:59:32+00:00

5 tips for building better relationships with stakeholders and team members


  Due to the nature of their job, project managers sometimes get a reputation for being difficult to work with. Here are five tips to get work done without alienating people.   Project managers' schedules are typically packed with meetings, constant documentation and updates, issue resolution, and many other tasks, [...]

5 tips for building better relationships with stakeholders and team members2020-01-13T21:59:55+00:00

7 strategies project managers can use to perfect stakeholder relationships


Building strong relationships with project stakeholders contributes to your success and improves project outcomes. Here are seven tips for creating rapport with team members, sponsors, and others. SEE: How to become a project manager: A cheat sheet (TechRepublic) View Moira Alexander’s article as it’s published on Source link

7 strategies project managers can use to perfect stakeholder relationships2020-01-14T02:28:51+00:00

​Why product managers need customer service training


Working a short-stint in customer service can reap long-term rewards for your business. Regardless of the reason, the outcome to the bottom line can be devastating if product managers don't understand the volume or exact nature of the complaints that are heard by customer service representatives. Customer service teams truly [...]

​Why product managers need customer service training2020-01-13T22:04:26+00:00

5 pitfalls to address when dealing with stakeholders' expectations


Effectively meeting stakeholders' expectations requires project managers to recognize and address these five pitfalls. Engagement of stakeholders during the project with timely updates improves the confidence level of stakeholders, and this is necessary for the success of a project. Efficient stakeholders management requires a PM to engage stakeholders in decision-making. Although [...]

5 pitfalls to address when dealing with stakeholders' expectations2020-01-13T22:08:21+00:00

Customer Loyalty 101: The Do’s & Don’ts


  Customer loyalty can seem elusive at times, going from fleeting to in abundance. There are multiple factors that impact a customer’s decision to remain loyal, especially within the services industry. Here are just a few of these factors and ways to improve customer loyalty. […]

Customer Loyalty 101: The Do’s & Don’ts2020-01-13T22:17:12+00:00
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