4 secrets of successful EPMOs


Setting up and running an enterprise project management office (EPMO) takes a deliberate and strategic effort. Here are four key areas to focus on in establishing an EPMO.Poor project performance is a bane to enterprises. Not only do projects that miss targets challenge an organization’s ability to remain competitive, they [...]

4 secrets of successful EPMOs2020-10-06T20:50:53+00:00

How will PPM need to change in the next few years?


You've likely heard the adage 'change is the one thing you can always count on,' and this especially rings true in the business world. Regardless of the industry, companies will continue to be affected by different changes due to global competition, new legislation, or other factors. These changes and the [...]

How will PPM need to change in the next few years?2020-02-12T00:08:11+00:00

Changepoint: A Reimagined Platform of Built-for-Purpose Portfolio Management Solutions


As companies look for ways to align their company strategy with execution for greater efficiency, Changepoint announces their reimagined platform of built-for-purpose Portfolio Management Solutions. In a highly competitive space, Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution providers are continually being challenged to look for ways to stand out and to develop [...]

Changepoint: A Reimagined Platform of Built-for-Purpose Portfolio Management Solutions2020-02-12T00:08:34+00:00

How to Align Projects Management With Your Business Strategy


  With escalating global competition and complex operating environments, C-level executives will increasingly need to call on their project management offices to ensure all activities align with the overall strategic vision of the business.   Project management office (PMO) professionals hold significant knowledge that can help ensure alignment for businesses [...]

How to Align Projects Management With Your Business Strategy2020-01-24T16:10:12+00:00

How PMOs can balance time, cost and quality


‘Triple constraint’ is a term often heard in project management. But how does it translate into achieved or missed project and organizational objectives? Here are six questions project managers need to ask themselves. If 88 percent of C-suite executives agree that project alignment with strategy is vital to organizational success, [...]

How PMOs can balance time, cost and quality2020-01-24T16:09:45+00:00

What is an EPMO? The organizational key to project success


An enterprise project management office (EPMO) differs from a traditional PMO in that it operates at a strategic level in collaboration with executives to ensure projects and portfolio activities are conducting to the benefit of the overall business. One of the most common reasons for project failure is the misalignment [...]

What is an EPMO? The organizational key to project success2020-01-24T16:09:08+00:00

How to develop a PMO strategic plan


Developing a PMO strategic plan that ensures high alignment with business objectives is no light task. Here are the key steps to effectively launching your project management office’s strategic plan.Strategic-level (PMOs), also known as enterprise project management offices, are essential in developing, maintaining and communicating effective project, program and portfolio [...]

How to develop a PMO strategic plan2020-01-24T16:09:56+00:00

5 surefire ways to avoid project failures


Millions of dollars are wasted each year due to poor project performance, according to the Project Management Institute. Discover how to keep project failures at bay. 2: Ensure the EPMO/PMO, programs, portfolios, and projects have the full backing and support of project sponsors from start to finish. From the PMI [...]

5 surefire ways to avoid project failures2020-01-24T16:09:16+00:00

Project managers should focus on these 7 strategic goals


[ad_1] Project managers must look beyond requirements, budgets, and timelines to ensure they are executing high-impact, high-visibility projects with a direct line to the organization’s overall strategic goals. Here’s how to be recognized by executives and stakeholders as an indispensable strategic partner. You may think the chief responsibility of a [...]

Project managers should focus on these 7 strategic goals2020-01-24T16:10:33+00:00

Are you a transformational leader?


[ad_1] To become true agents of transformation, today’s business leaders (CIO) will not only need to take a closer look at the projects and the ways that they fit within the business portfolio, but they’ll also need to remain nimble enough to constantly evaluate both projects and portfolio to ensure [...]

Are you a transformational leader?2020-01-24T16:11:31+00:00
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